It isn’t easy feeling insecure and deeply inadequate. People deal with this in many different ways. Some people face it head-on by focusing on the cause of their problems, and others go to great lengths to run away and avoid what’s staring right in front of them. Take for example the couple in Paris who have poured buckets of money into trying to turn themselves into the dolls their infantile personalities have been unable to let go of. Aren’t these people meant to get some kind of psych evaluation before they can do this kind of thing?
Twenty-year-old Anastasia Reskoss and 23-year-old Quentin Dehar have undergone more than 15 procedures to resemble the plastic figures, running the gamut from nose and boob jobs, to veneers, lip injections, cheek fillers, and Botox injections. It appears no one around them has the heart to tell them that they are going from bad to worse, from freakish to super freakish. That said, it’s not a big surprise that they don’t have any friends.

Quentin’s IQ must be well below 80 and that’s on a good day. Quentin states, ”At secondary school, I just felt very average. I didn’t feel like me.. At 18, I aspired to have the flashy cars and luxury designer clothes that my Ken doll had.” When this guy was at an age that he could drive a car, he still owned a Ken Doll? Now the couple intend to have even more work done to complete their transformation.
Anastasia wants to get breast implants (because Barbie’s milk melons were somehow even bigger than the ones she has now?), ear reshaping, eye-bag removal, and veneers. Quentin wants more Botox, pectoral implants and, if possible, to get Anastasia to give him back his testicles which she removed when they first meet. The doctor has yet to reveal the greatest of news to the couple: the last procedure to complete their matching of the dolls in every way that would be the removal of their brains and filling of the empty space with crunched up newspapaer will not be needed for it appears to have already taken place. How they afford to pay for this surgery, the profile of the couple doesn’t say, but my guess is that one pimps the other one out. My bet is that Ken is doing most of the bending over as Anastasia counts the cash. What’s worse is that even with all that money, asides from the total absence of any personality, they don’t even resemble the dolls they aspire to mimic. She looks like he-man with boobs, and he like Astro-Boy on meth or a Legoman that’s been left out in the sun too long.
Anastasia and Quentin met in 2013, and they immediately found out that they shared the same dysfunctional obsession on external looks in order to avoid facing their deeply wounded and neurotic personalities. It was love at first sight: “We were at a boat party in Saint Tropez, and Quentin walked over to me and said, ‘I’ve found the Barbie (dumb) to my Ken (dumber),'” said Anastasia.
They also plan to legally change their names to Barbie and Ken. Lord have mercy when they announce they are going to have kids.