It turns out Santa has followed the likes of Apple and Nike to outsource his tinsel production to sweatshops across Asia
The Opinions of Morons
Here we will share the kind of views that many morons, imbeciles, dummies and assholes think about the world and their surroundings. There is no shortage of these types. These are written to highlight the stupidity and viciousness of these types of opinions. Its function is to satirise, not to promote or endorse them. If you are unable to get that, then maybe you belong with those morons.

Why I love buying useless pieces of plastics that I don’t need and why you should as well
That’s right; the world isn’t awash enough with plastics. Too bad I say to those cranky enviro types, who claim there will be more plastic in the sea than fish.

3 Ways to Be a Boss People Dislike.
Let’s face it: being a boss is just another term for being the overlord of those beneath you. You are a king and they are your servants. In the sage words of Machiavelli, rulers don’t need to be loved, they need to be feared and respected. Imagine your office is a slave plantation — is your top priority that your slaves like you or that they fear you?

How political correctness is trying to ban children’s laughter.
I don’t hear the kids anymore sniggering and giggling while staring at someone they feel threatened by due solely to the fact that they are different. Little do they know, they are missing a crucial part of the childhood experience of looking down on others and feeling superior.

Why women need to dumb themselves down if they ever want a chance with a guy like me.
Yet when it comes to actual brainy brains, girls, let’s face it: It’s a huge turn off. Seeing as how our uber-masculine culture pairs being a man with being stronger, smarter and overall more badass than any girl, coming across a woman who has genuine intelligence is difficult to really grasp. It’s like, “Boobies, talk, boobies, talk. What’s happening?”

How the gays are ruining the sanctity of Marriage.
By Ursula Van Gutermuth Throughout society, the sanctity of marriage is being threatened by all sorts of nasty forces that […]