Child cries the length of the runway during Paris fashion show and is told he will never work in the industry again

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graphic-NNNShocking news in the fashion industry as potential future hot child model burst into tears whilst walking down the runway during a Paris fashion show. The designer was outraged and said the child’s tears completely ruined the whole show. “Give him a fucking red bull, ice-cream or a slap. But for Christ sake stop that baby brat and his tears!” The designer said before the child embarked down the runway. Sources said he monetarily did stop crying and mumbled something about being tired and wanting his mummy. He was promptly told to stop whining and being a giant baby, as this wasn’t X-factor— there would be no pity points for his tears. He was reminded that this was the real world and he needed to grow up ASAP or they would slit his mother’s throat and drain her like pig. Yet once he walked onto to the runway, the threat of his mummy’s impeding murder seemed to trigger even more waterworks.

The crowd gasped in horror as the child displayed feelings that just were not compatible with his cute little outfit. The only good part of the fiasco was the uber hot male model. Raoul kept his soulless and mood-less composure throughout the whole ordeal, displaying no empathy, feelings of affection or understanding of the pansy crybaby he had to hold hands with. Raoul’s robot and lifeless like face ended being something the fashion house could at least feel good about. His low IQ, Vicodin addiction and absence of any personality combined with his stunning good looks thankfully saved the day.

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