Translating what the most quotable quotes from 2016 Davos really mean.

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graphic-NNNIt is that time of year again when rich people, celebrities, politicians, and the odd decent human being get together to pretend to solve the world’s problem at Davos 2016. Pretending to be seen doing stuff to make the world better means lots of pretentious, pompous, and insane  statements are required. Yet many statements hold two meanings as what they really mean and what they can say. These are often two different things so I have done the tasks of translating the most quoted “quotes” of Davos 2016.

“The key to tackling the people of Palestine is to cause despair by inflicting immense violence and injustice. Rob them of the hope that their wild fantasies that they will never be anything less than dirt.”
“The key to tackling the people of Palestine is to cause despair by inflicting immense violence and injustice. Rob them of the hope that their wild fantasies that they will never be anything less than dirt.”
“China is paying more attention to how we destroy the earth rather than how much of the earth we destroy.”
“China is paying more attention to how we destroy the earth rather than how much of the earth we destroy.”
“We need to get rid of the minimum wage so we can compete with China and turn Europe into the sweatshop of Europe”
“We need to get rid of the minimum wage so we can compete with China and turn Europe into the sweatshop of Europe”
“We need to destroy the earth and pay starvation wages without the government getting in our way.”
“We need to destroy the earth and pay starvation wages without the government getting in our way.”
“Everyone needs to feel involved in the destruction of planet earth. “
“Everyone needs to feel involved in the destruction of planet earth.”
“It’s what I say to my rickshaw driver when I am in Bangkok”
“It’s what I say to my rickshaw driver when I am in Bangkok”
“I’m hot.”
“I’m hot.”
“I am so high right now.”
“I am so high right now.”
“I ate the muffin Will.I.Am gave me.”
“I ate the muffin Will.I.Am gave me.”
“I also ate a muffin Will.I.Am gave me and I am kind of freaking out.“
“I also ate a muffin Will.I.Am gave me and I am kind of freaking out.“




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