Although I ranted on this similar subject a week ago I don’t think you can ever say enough bad things about rich assholes. If there is marker of the “End of Days,” it’s not when gay marriage was legalised, but rather that weddings like this really do happen. In China, this couple spent $31 million on their wedding. That’s one day, one dress, one ring and all the other fluff associated with that special day. $31 friggen million, for a bride whose name is “Angelababy” OMG!! I shit you not mother truckers! It’s obscene in whatever context you see it, but it’s particularly blasé/fuck you peasants given the immense poverty in Shanghai where the wedding took place. That’s a city of 20 million that mostly live in grinding poverty and desperation. Yet sadly, this type of brazen flaunting of wealth, while people around them live abject poverty is pretty much the kind of egomaniacal legacy many of these rich assholes leave.
Here are a couple of other examples of billionaire douche-baggery: An Arab sheik had his name carved out in such big letters that you could see it from the moon. Really? How is that not a billionaire acting out the same infantile compulsion to scribble your name on a toilet door? Why didn’t he just write “ Hamad rules”? Surely, someone should have sat him down and said, “Look Hamad, you have come up with some pretty dumb fucking ideas in the past, but this one tops it. You can‘t be serious that you’re going to spend millions of dollars just to scribble your name on the earth. That’s your goddamn bequest to humanity?”
Or Prince Al-Waleed of Saudi Arabia who bought a diamond-encrusted Mercedes that’s worth 48 million dollars and supposedly costs $1000 to touch (seriously, who would pay $1000 to touch a car or $1000 to touch anything?) That means that one bump on his fender when he takes-off too quickly from a traffic lights, may cause him to lose $3 million worth of diamonds (one assume the just stays on show like a giant diamond statue). The list goes on…
There is just something sickening about this kind of grotesque opulence to the other 84% of the world living on less than $20 a day. I am surprised the Chinese wedding didn’t use humans as foot-rests. The disconnect, the egotism, the insulated and entitled mind set is hard for us commoners to grasp. Fact is, there is actually enough to go around for all of us to be ok, but not with greedy narcissists like these people lording it over us. Yet, it is hard not to think that the stage is set for the beginning of a perfect dystopic future as we face a global version of the Titanic disaster when the rich pat each on the back, award those whose heads are the furthest stuck up their ass and fail to see their impending doom until it’s too late. At that time, it will be hard have much sympathy as they seemed bemused by how it all just fades away.
In the words of Selina Kyle: There’s a storm coming, Mr. Wayne. You and your friends better batten down the hatches, because when it hits, you’re all gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us.