Want a Real Warrior’s Workout? Train with the Mace.

If Jon Snow (Game of Thrones), King Leonidas (300) and Maximus Decimus Meridius (Gladiator) all worked out together, this is probably the method they’d choose. I often imagine that after their workout they would shower together as well, maybe washing the dirt off each other’s backs, using the soapy sponge to get all those hard-to-reach spots. Then I guess they would let each other clean their hard mental maces. Yeah, I imagine that a lot.

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8 reasons you need to start talking more about your sex life with your partner

Doing the deed can be awkward. Well, at least that’s how my mum explained how I was conceived. Hook-ups can go awry, and sex with a long-time partner may dry up like a crust of bread that’s both hard and mouldy. You may be with the wrong person; turns out that guy you shared a taxi with isn’t your husband. Or you may have a little case of the “can’t be fucking bothered” when it comes to hitting the hay.

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